Friday, July 31, 2009

well the eeg went good she left everything on the whole 24hrs. When they took the stuff off she freaked the whole time and refused to lay down. glad its over

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Kayt goes in today for her 24hr eeg. I am nervous about her keeping the wires on and bubby not taking them off!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Okay sooo sorry it has been soo long. I cannot believe it has been since June 8th! I have been really busy in my defense.
Okay so Kayt has an appointment to set up for a 24 hour eeg because of the middle of the night issues that she has, for like 3 days they were really bad earlier this week. She has had the waking up freaked out cold sweating for as long as I can remember and it isn’t every night, but sometimes we go through periods where it is. We know it isn’t night terrors because she is awake. Any who they want to make sure there isn’t something happening while she is sleeping that we cannot figure out since she does not understand when we ask her what is wrong, and she doesn’t offer to tell us (if she can).
We have figured out that her either her motor skills are not processing correctly to move her tongue up to the top lip or her tongue does not have the muscle to do so. We have been working on her chewing on items with her back teeth because we found out she was not using her tongue to move them over there. If it isn’t one thing it is another right. Her speech is getting better and I am so glad that she is able to tell me more things! It is such a blessing every time she talks about something new that I understand. She is currently into drawing circles, lines, and as of today squiggly lines lol. She told me she was writing her name lol. She continually crawls into her brothers bed at night, they are both in toddler beds in the same room, and I think she feels more comfortable with him up against her. It is only logical since she does have that sensory pressure need anyway, so as long as he doesn’t mind it helps her to sleep better.
We had her re evaluation the other day and they of course are recommending continued treatment for her, if we cannot get an OT to come once a week than they will okay the hippotherapy, which is awesome! She has an appointment for a speech therapist at the hospital since EI has not been able to get her one since her last one quit doing children that are out as far as we are. She still has her psychologist and developmental therapist. We learned after upping her DT to 2x a week that it isn’t making any difference. The only thing it has done is gotten Kaytlin more used to her therapist and made her not want to do anything for her… makes for a pointless session lol.. We are still at the same point in potty training. We will be meeting with the developmental preschool person soon too.

Well I better go it is 12am and I am wide awake, I need to get some sleep