Saturday, May 14, 2011

Set back time again

We haven't had a mental set back like this in a very long time. Kaytlin is having a lot of times where she is just completely zoned out, I know that a lot of us zone out a bit, but for her its different and lasts a long time over and over right after she is snapped out of it. We were at soccer the other day and she usually respondes when her coach talks to her, this time she was so zoned out that he had to call her 3+ times and actually touch her for her to realize he was talking to her.. She kept sitting down on the field forgetting she was playing and would just pick grass.. She has been having a lot of breakdowns again. I held her yesterday for kicking her brother, well actually first I tried to put her in time out on the front porch because we were all outside and she freaked (she usually doesn't) and so I picked her up and put her on my lap and it was a total breakdown tears and everything.. screaming kicking you name it.. This hasn't happened before like this, especially if I pick her up and hold her so she won't hurt herself on the concrete porch from the kicking and stuff.. She has also starting having pee come out on her panties 4+ times a day, this hasn't happened since the last time I worked, and nothing has changed so I don't know what triggered this misfiring in her brain this time.

Why is it that just when we think things are going so well our babies our love our wonderful beautiful children have a set back like this. I am very thankful she is verbal and high functioning, but that doesn't mean that I don't feel bad for her when she is so lost and confused like she has been lately.

I love you so much Kaytlin you are my beautiful daughter and if I could I would take all the pain in the world away.