Thursday, October 29, 2009


Well I found out that her developmental pediatrician did in fact diagnose her with autism. We had an appointment to go over everything a few days ago and when I asked her about things in CA she informed me that Kaytlin should have no problem getting anything she needs out there with her diagnosis. I said, "with PDD-NOS" and she said no the one that I gave her at our last appointment of Autism. Needless to say I was a little shocked because she specifically said she was not going to give her a diagnosis but to proceed as if she was diagnosed with Autism. I guess she changed her mind after the appointment. I was given her report and all of her test results from the genetic testing. I wanted to include in here a copy of the report, however it is not scanning dark enough to put on here so I will type out the doctor's diagnosis area.

Autism, this is a provisional diagnosis given the patients young age. At this time, Kaytlin does meet DSM-IV criteria for the diagnosis by history. Of note, her psychologist has previously evaluated her at the age of 26 months as meeting criteria for autistic disorder.

I guess the provisional part doesn't mean squat except that she should be re evaluated at around 5 or so and see if she still fits the criteria. When it came from her psycologist it was not put on her because you have to have a doctorate to diagnose, so it is official Kaytlin can get anything that is out there with the Autism diagnosis.

How do I feel about this? I have been asked this soooo much it seems. I am okay with it, I know that I will do whatever I have to in order to get whatever my daughter needs to succeed in life to the best of her ability. I am thankful and greatful that she is very high functioning, and I often forget and second guess myself that anything is wrong with her, until she regresses or has her horrid meltdowns or forgets and gets confused half way while trying to perform a simple task.

There are many people out there who have judged me and basically said that I am wrong and there is nothign wrong with my daughter. I want to tell anyone who says these things to people/family/loved ones, anyone in general that is the worst thing you can ever say to a mom or dad that is trying their hardest to raise a special needs child. Unless you spend every waking moment with that child you should keep your opinion to yourself. This is not a topic of gossip, this is not a topic taken lightly, and this is especially not a topic or situation for a support system to turn on the people that need it the most. I am very dissapointed in everyone that has doubted me and my parenting ability and I pray that one day you will see the light and that we as parents are doing what we need to do in order for our daughter to have the best life possible.

I also want to thank everyone that has supported me in this year and a half journey to getting a diagnosis and figuring out exactly what was going on with Kayt. Her therapists rock and I cannot be more thankful for her developmental therapist and psycologist who have not only helped with Kayt but also to re assure me that they would not be waisting their time or ours if she did not need their services.

I am over ready to move where my mom can help and take Kayt for a day and give this mommy a break :) Kaytlin and Robbie are definitely a hand full! I will continue to update and I want to thank everyone that has been here reading whenever I update and praying when I have asked you all ROCK!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Okay I learned something new today. Kaytlin only knew she was going pee in her potty because it sings, she couldn't feel that she was going! She thought for sure she went in her bubbies frog potty which doesn't make noise, and she hadn't and it happened a few times. She also peed her pants at hippotherapy and had no idea that she did it and I guess her shoes were full of pee, if her pants didn't have a huge wet mark her OT wouldn't have known till she felt it! My poor baby girl, I knew she was good at making people believe that she knew more than she did, but she even fooled her mom and dad this time! I wish I could fix all this for her, I guess I was in denial for a bit there thinking that the hippotherapy was the cure all for her. Don't get me wrong it is helping, but not as much as I had thought. Anywho just wanted to update.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sorry I have not posted in a while. We started Kaytlin's hippotherapy and things have been soooo wonderful since! She has been a different child, a typical 2 yr old (i will take the stress of that over before anyday!). She is even potty training now! Today she had 0 accidents until this evening. We even left the house, I took her potty with us and she used it in the back of the van lol. She talks much more clear, asks for what she wants instead of crying, understands a lot of what we tell her, it is just amazing! She still has her motor planning issues (her tongue that I mentioned before and a few others) as well as sensory which we don't think she can feel when she needs to go #2, she also is still unable to tell me what hurts or where she hurt herself which makes it hard when she is crying and I have to search for whatever got hurt.

I am just sooo amazed and proud of my little girl. I know some of you read some nasty things on my facebook wall that were written by a few members of my husbands family, but I want you to know that we do not speak with those individuals anymore as that is just poison that does not need to be involved in our lives. His mother is very much for everything we are doing now as she can see the delays also, my mom, as much as she doesn't see too much of the delays (or doesn't want to), does not look down on any of the things we are doing anymore as she sees it more of any help teaching her things is not doing her any harm anyway.

Kayt has her transition meeting to start developmental preschool coming up! I cannot believe my baby is almost 3!!! She has also been released from speech therapy! The hippotherapy helps her think so well and process what she wants to say clearly enough that they do not feel that speech therapy is needed anymore :)

Okay I will stop bragging about my brat. Thanks for keeping up!