Monday, October 5, 2009

Sorry I have not posted in a while. We started Kaytlin's hippotherapy and things have been soooo wonderful since! She has been a different child, a typical 2 yr old (i will take the stress of that over before anyday!). She is even potty training now! Today she had 0 accidents until this evening. We even left the house, I took her potty with us and she used it in the back of the van lol. She talks much more clear, asks for what she wants instead of crying, understands a lot of what we tell her, it is just amazing! She still has her motor planning issues (her tongue that I mentioned before and a few others) as well as sensory which we don't think she can feel when she needs to go #2, she also is still unable to tell me what hurts or where she hurt herself which makes it hard when she is crying and I have to search for whatever got hurt.

I am just sooo amazed and proud of my little girl. I know some of you read some nasty things on my facebook wall that were written by a few members of my husbands family, but I want you to know that we do not speak with those individuals anymore as that is just poison that does not need to be involved in our lives. His mother is very much for everything we are doing now as she can see the delays also, my mom, as much as she doesn't see too much of the delays (or doesn't want to), does not look down on any of the things we are doing anymore as she sees it more of any help teaching her things is not doing her any harm anyway.

Kayt has her transition meeting to start developmental preschool coming up! I cannot believe my baby is almost 3!!! She has also been released from speech therapy! The hippotherapy helps her think so well and process what she wants to say clearly enough that they do not feel that speech therapy is needed anymore :)

Okay I will stop bragging about my brat. Thanks for keeping up!