Sunday, March 14, 2010

She is doing so well!

kayt has been doing sooo well with school. We did have one set back but it was because we drove to Louisiana to visit my honey's parents and that threw her schedule off. I didn't even think about what that would do. Well,,, she started peeing and pooping in her panties like crazy. We had about a week's worth of pooping in the panties before she started going in the potty again. Now we are still having issues of peeing in her panties, especially at night. I know that most kids have trouble with night, but she was fully night trained before we left, so that is why this makes me sad for her. She always feels awkward when she pees in her bed and just lays there till I come up to her. Now we have started putting her in pull-ups at night time so that if she does have an accident it wont soak her or her bed. Some nights she gets up dry.

Kaytlin loves riding her bus still and is always telling us that she was naughty at school lol, I don't think she quite grasps what naughty means lol. She also talks a lot about a boy named Michael lol. She loves to sit by him on the bus too.

i fear she has another ear infection, she has had 1-2 per month lately. I am going to have her looked at tomorrow at her brothers check up. She is coughing with no other symptoms which usually means another ear  infection. I can't wait till she can tell me that her ears hurt, it would make it much easier for me.

I can't remember if I put on the last post that Kayt is no longer in hippo therapy. My husband lost his job so we cannot afford to drive 80 miles round trip to keep her in it. I am hoping that the OT and ST at her school is enough to keep her progressing and not regressing.

Well it's late, sorry these posts are not as often. kaytlin is still my beautiful princess and I love her sooooo much~