Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My thoughts, my fears, my blessings

I am watching a great episode of Dr Phil today on my DVR about children that are having outbreaks etc and the thing these kids have in common is that they do have autism however were not diagnosed earlier. They are the age of my friends children that have violent outbreaks etc, 8, 9 years old. The biggest thing is they don't know how to control their anger and they dont know how to deal with the anxiety. It worries me that Kaytlin may be there one day because her issue is not comprehending a lot of things that children her age comprehend. I guess I get into a lull where things seem much better and we have a better handle on things and I forget what can happen if I don't stay up on the certain discipline etc. I find myself in that lull and realizing I need to make sure to find things out now in case I need them later. I love my daughter so much and the other day while we were at soccer practice I realized that she still needs to be told things one step at a time as well as shown what exactly to do in each step.. then when we were at mcdonalds a classmate that is in there for developmental delay was able to comprehend everything I was talking to him about and I realized even more how much she prob is not getting what I am asking of her, and it makes me feel bad when I get frustrated because she doesn't deserve me getting frustrated and forgetting that she doesn't get it. It's too easy to forget, its hard to work.