Saturday, April 9, 2011

Terrible 4's

Man are we ever going to get out of the terribles lol.. Hit them at 2 and they seem to never end! They cancelled Kaytlin's soccer practice today due to storms, that means she is only going to have 2 practices before her games. She is really excited about playing though! I cannot wait to see her out there playing I know she is going to love it. I took her and Robbie to a playdate yesterday at Jump N Play they had a blast. We ran into some people we hadn't seen since Easter of last year and the 3 of us and our kiddos went on to McDonalds after we were done playing. Kayt helped another little girl to go to the top of the play area because she was scared, it was so sweet. Then she walked her back down the way they went up because the little girl (Reese) was too scared to go down the slide, I was so proud of her! She is such a caring and loving person, I bet she will be in teaching or something like that when she gets older, she loves to help so much. Then Reese was at the top another time and crying so I asked Kayt to go and get her and she rushed in there and up to her, it was sooo sweet.

It's so funny when anyone asks Kayt how old she is, she still answers two. I don't know how to help her understand that she is 4, even throughout her whole 3's she still said 2. Robbie can tell you his and her age which is pretty awesome since he just turned 3 in March. I'm kinda glad I will be going to school this summer because I think her and I would irritate each other if we had to stay home the whole summer together lol. She told me this morning that she was glad I wasn't going to work because she liked that mommy was home. She keeps telling me she doesn't want to go to school because she wants to stay home with mommy.

i am so blessed and love my little girl soooo much! Thank you Lord for blessing me with 2 beautiful children that I have more love and patience for them than I ever thought possible.