Saturday, June 12, 2010

I know I know, it has been a while again. It seems as the kids get older I find less time to be in a quiet place by myself in order to be able to think long enough to type on here. Kaytlin finished her first year of preschool and is now in summer classes at Cornerstone Pediatric Rahab. She has gone 3 times now and still freaks out when I drop her off. She is the only girl there too lol. The first time went quite well, the 2nd time she knew what was going to happen and she screamed the entire first have of the 2 1/2 hours!! At that point it was hard for me to take her back again, I feel like I am betraying her trust because she doesn't understand that it's okay for mommy to not be with her 24/7. The last time she went she stopped crying right after I left, but I don't think she has ever held on to me that tight in her life. On one hand it feels so good that I make her feel that secure, then on the other it makes me feel as if I am holding her back from independance by staying home with the kids.

She is doing really well there, the only issue they have is the one that everyone has, she has problems transitioning from one activity to another. The time from one to the next is the confusion, frustration, and sometimes breakdowns. She gets quite upset because it is hard for her. I think that is why she is having such a hard time with this school. She keeps telling me it isn't her school and that she wants to go back to her other school. I try to tell her that no one is there right now but that we will be able to go back over there soon, but as any three year old wouldn't she doesn't get that part.

Tonight when I put her to bed all I wanted to do was hold her as close to me and as tight in my arms as I could. It was one of those nights that you look at your baby and tears well up in your eyes because you cannot believe how much you love this child in your arms, even though you get soooo frustrated with them just about daily.

Her and Robbie are having issues with being violent right now. Hitting, kicking, and pushing are the 3 big ones. She thinks she is his mom and should spank him for EVERYTHING, even when he isn't being naughty but she wants to pretend at that moment out of the blue that he is being naughty lol. They both want to kick the dogs because they think it is funny that the dogs are growling at them, well actually just my minpin who has never hurt a fly. He is almost 9 years old now though and I really don't want them thinking it is okay to kick dogs. They get time outs for that one, yet still it doesn't seem to want to sink in that it isn't okay.

I love always getting such good feedback about her and how helpful she is lol. She has always wanted to be the teacher's helper no matter what kind of class. Even in gymnastics she wanted to stand in front of the class with the teacher to sing the songs that they sang or when they were doing dances she wanted to stand up front. Now in her classes I was told she is a good influence for the other children because she is showing them how to share, now why can she not do that at home lmbo! Funny how they are willing to show how well you have taught them when you are not around, sneaky little things!

That is all for now, things are getting better, slowly, but better so I don't care how slow. Oh one more thing before I go. The other day in her new school kaytlin made a catepillar with the letters of her name on it. Once they were finished she looked at it and said, "My mom will love this." and started crying all sentimental and missing me! How awesome is that!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Wanted to add a few new pics of my beautiful girl :)

Well some newer ones lol

I realized I hadn't updated with any new ones lately. She is so beaautiful! This goes to show that the outside looks don't reveal what is on the inside. Many people think of children that cannot talk and don't understand anything when they think of autism, and moreso they think of the way children should "look" when they have autism, but Kayt is a testament to tell you that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

She is doing so well!

kayt has been doing sooo well with school. We did have one set back but it was because we drove to Louisiana to visit my honey's parents and that threw her schedule off. I didn't even think about what that would do. Well,,, she started peeing and pooping in her panties like crazy. We had about a week's worth of pooping in the panties before she started going in the potty again. Now we are still having issues of peeing in her panties, especially at night. I know that most kids have trouble with night, but she was fully night trained before we left, so that is why this makes me sad for her. She always feels awkward when she pees in her bed and just lays there till I come up to her. Now we have started putting her in pull-ups at night time so that if she does have an accident it wont soak her or her bed. Some nights she gets up dry.

Kaytlin loves riding her bus still and is always telling us that she was naughty at school lol, I don't think she quite grasps what naughty means lol. She also talks a lot about a boy named Michael lol. She loves to sit by him on the bus too.

i fear she has another ear infection, she has had 1-2 per month lately. I am going to have her looked at tomorrow at her brothers check up. She is coughing with no other symptoms which usually means another ear  infection. I can't wait till she can tell me that her ears hurt, it would make it much easier for me.

I can't remember if I put on the last post that Kayt is no longer in hippo therapy. My husband lost his job so we cannot afford to drive 80 miles round trip to keep her in it. I am hoping that the OT and ST at her school is enough to keep her progressing and not regressing.

Well it's late, sorry these posts are not as often. kaytlin is still my beautiful princess and I love her sooooo much~

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Well Kayt starts developmental preschool this month! I can't believe my baby is going to be 3 this month! How exciting for her. I love her so much but it will be really nice to have a couple hours a few times a week with just Robbie, I am sure he will enjoy the alone with mommy time. She is still doing hippotherapy and OT combined which will continue even after she starts preschool. Her developmental therapist is about to have a baby so we will not be having her anymore, she is part of the early intervention here in Indiana AKA First Steps, and the children age out at 3 years old. It is bitter sweat to not have her anymore, we have seen her 1-2x a week since Kayt was 18 months old, the kids and I will definitely miss her. When I ask Kayt how old she is now she answers 2 3 years old lol.. so she is both 2 & 3 years old. I decided to start teaching her now about being 3 years old since she learns better now than she did at 2 1/2 I figure she should pick up on it much quicker. I am anxious to know how often she will go to preschool because they base it on how much they think the child can handle and I think that she can handle it the whole week, but maybe easing into it to help her adjust because she doesn't like her routine changed at all. Anywho nothing much to report, she is still having problems sleeping through the night so I am hoping my mom will buy her the night light that has the sun and moon on it to help them know when to get up and when to stay in bed...