Thursday, April 30, 2009

Okay so I am either coming to the realization that I am in denial or this is just temporary and I will be in denial again soon. First I wanted to say that Kayt has had a very rough day today. She was either crying or beating up on someone, not much happy time today. It has definitely been an off day for her, which they are not that often anymore.

So to what I first was saying. I went to Wal Mart tonight to go grocery shopping alone and while waiting to pick up Kaytlin's bean bag at site-to-store a lady was there and we started talking. She had a 2 yr old granddaughter with her that is only 2 months older than Kayt and she was just talking and being a little cutie pie! Anywho her comprehension just blew me away. I am not around other children Kaytlin's age so I am not used to anything more than what Kayt knows. It really made it hit home just how much Kaytlin does not comprehend about everyday life. She doesn't even know how to tell me what hurts if anything is hurting, if she falls all I get is her needing to be held, but I have no idea what to look for because she cannot tell me where she hit. Anywho what made this hit home.. So I was telling this lady that it was neat to hear her granddaughter talk because of Kayt having the speech delay and we kept talking and then after a few minutes she said, are you sure she doesn't have autism… I said well she was just given a provisional diagnosis of autism but I am not sure that she has it… and the lady says well my 10 yr old does have it and everything you just said to me is exactly how he was. She said, he has aspergers.. he is social like I said Kaytlin was.. I have had so many people say that she is fine and nothing is wrong and she will catch up that when someone actually says that, that has been where I am now, it makes me realize how much of denial I am in. She even knew what I was talking about when I said that Kaytlin looses words, right after I said that was when she first said that it sounded like autism.

I know God gave me my princess for a reason, and she has her special needs for a reason, I just wish that we could have the final answer and move on from there. This waiting sucks for someone who wants everything right now lol. Okay I am done now, I just wanted to share this little awakening that someone at Wal Mart gave me. You know I really think it was God that had me waiting as long as I did for my site-to-store for a reason… I mean how likely is it that I meet someone who went through what I am going through where people are usually not just sitting.