Friday, April 3, 2009

Okay she had a breakdown yesterday, last night to be more accurate. It has been a while since we had any and it has been pretty nice. I mean we have had the usual 2 yr old tantrums, but none of the breakdowns anywhere similar to the previous video. This one was quite a bit worse than the video. I had to hold her tight with her arms locked down in my arms and rock her. It worked wonderfully! She even took one arm out to wipe her nose and then put it right back in my arms to be pinned down.

Today she had her occupational therapy evaluation. She actually broke down in front of the therapist too. I learned a lot about different ways to apply deep pressure for her, which is what she is needing. Unfortunately there is no OT's that specialize in SPD to come out here and help us, but we are hoping for at least once a month at the least. The sensory issues that Kaytlin has may very well be the reason behind her delays. It was explained as her brain is trying to make sure she is okay and because it takes so much longer to process that her brain isn't able to concentrate on the other things to learn and retain them. At least we have more of a start now than before. She also told me a few ways to try to help Kayt with going out to eat and also with the noises that really bother her. I hope it works. The suggestion is to introduce her to headphones and let her listen to music so that she is concentrating on that and not the outside noises and commotion. This would be awesome if it works!