Monday, May 4, 2009

Kayt had developmental therapy today. She showed a lot of stiffness and rigidity, something she has never shown before. She has also started lining up things besides blocks and books, she lined up some bottles that her therapist had brought right after they were brought out before we had even realized what she was doing. She was showing many signs of defiance for many different things, she is usually open to doing the therapy but today was a bit different than before. It scares me when I see new things that point towards autism, and add yet another trait of the spectrum into her diagnosis. I am ready to go see the psychologist that our pediatrician is going to recommend, I am ready to see what they think about the traits just now appearing and what the results of the blood tests etc show. I still hold up hope that everything will disappear one day and she will be just your avg toddler. No matter what I love her to pieces and I always will. I will never blame God for this I know that He gave me my special girl for a reason.


Again thank you all for your prayers and warm thoughts.