Thursday, May 21, 2009

Okay sorry it has been so long since I posted. Things in my life are very busy with a new night time job on top of school and the kiddos. Kaytlin does good most days. This morning was horrible and I was sooo ready for her dad to get home so I could go to work. Kaytlin got quite a bit of sensory therapy yesterday and just like all my previous posts about this, she woke up disoriented and breaking down all day long until she took her nap. She cried for no reason breaking down about every 2-5 minutes, she could not understand or follow 1-step commands, she had no clue when I was talking to her unless I actually was physically touching her at the same time… It scares me to do anymore sensory with her. I tried doing more today like I am supposed to do and it didn’t make a difference at all. Things like this makes me want to just let her be and stop all the therapy, but I know it is all trial and error till we find what she needs since all kids are different. I wish so much that she could just tell me what she needs. She was doing great with wanting to potty train and then it just went away, her ability to feel the pee or poop was gone, she no longer is able to go right when put on the toilet like she had been doing for a few weeks now. It is to the point now that she was sitting with the therapists that were here yesterday and her diaper had slid to the side so the pee went down her leg and was going on the floor and she had no clue at all that it was happening. The only reason I found out was because one of the therapists noticed that she was peeing where she was sitting. I wish I could just snap my fingers and make everything that is not right for her, fixed.

Kaytlin’s medical evaluation with a neurological psychologist is July 1st I am going to call tomorrow to make sure that no cancellations have came in. We are supposed to be on a waiting list, but I still want them to know that I want to get her in there. From what I gather their testing goes beyond just talking to me, they actually do a lot more. I am worried that when we go it will be a good day and they will say oh she is fine. That is her therapists worry too. With Kaytlin it changes hourly sometimes, she is so up and down. When she is on it, she is really on it.. however, that on it, doesn’t stay too long and when she is off, she is really off. The bad thing is that I hope she is “off” when they see her so that we can get her the help for that. We know where she can get to because of how well she does when things are computing in her brain, and that is where I would love her to be able to be all the time, or 90% of the time you know. Okay I am going to stop for now, I will update when I can.

Still praying for Garrett! Hugs to you Katie!