Thursday, May 14, 2009

Last night SUCKED! Kayt woke up 3+ times screaming! It seems like whenever she gets her sensory she sleeps bad and just has a bad few days. Today however has gone great so far. She decided she wanted to potty train. I changed her diaper last night around 1am and at 9am it was still dry after being up for an hour. She told me she had to potty so I took her and she went. She is wearing big girl panties right now. I am trying to PT her brother at the same time! Wouldn’t that be great! We have started a sensory diet with her and are hoping that this will help a lot. We are currently working on the oral sensory for her snack with sour patch kids. She loves them! Here’s to today!!


Unknown said...

Mmm, sour patch kids. Use to love those things! Sounds like even though the nighttime was bad, the daytime has been GREAT!