Friday, May 29, 2009

Ahh the lovelies of regression. I don't know if I had posted previously about kaytlin now thinking she has to be in her highchair to eat, and her brother that is 1 loves to sit in the big boy chair at the table. Kaytlin loved her big girl chair and hated the highchair for quite a while, and about 2 weeks ago decided she has to sit in the highchair to eat. This is fine, well she also started using food the way a 1 1/2 yr old does. My son has not started doing these things yet, and I hope he doesn't. I remember on the mommy boards about a year ago when we were all complaining about our kids throwing food, dropping it to the ground, squishing it all over, just getting to know textures and cause and effect. Welllll Kayt is back to that again. Tonight I would have to dub as the messiest in a long time. Now Robbie is messy, but that is just because he hasn't figured out utinsils yet. We had spagetti tonight and Kayt decided to use her hands, took a couple bites, then wanted to see how the food squished in between her hands and fingers, she threw it up in the air, she picked it up and dropped it, put it in her hands then shook them, it was great (note the sarcasm). Thankfully it was bath night tonight. I can no longer give her ketchup either because it is no longer a dip, which she has always done great with, it is now finger paints. She has never used finger paints so no it isn't because I introduced her to it. She sticks her finger in the ketchup and spreads it all over her face and arms and legs. She used to stick her finger in it but would put it in her mouth to eat it, not on her body. I tried to not give it to her today, but she refused to eat till I did, so I gave in because she doesn't have weight to lose, and she used it to dip a couple things than began her painting project :)

Now a little funny to add to this for those reading. Rob got up to go and start their bath and he always closes the door so that he can get it going etc without fighting the kids off. Well Kayt decided that she was going to get ready for her bath, that's right, off came the diaper. I didn't think anything of it because she always takes her diaper off then asks for help with her shirt. Next thing I know she comes out into the living room and says mommy potty so I got up and turned to go down the hall and well, there was a big ball of poop on the floor, all over Robbie's hands and feet, all over Kaytlin's hands because she was playing with her butt! It was pretty nasty.

Okay since it is 12:34 am I better get off of here. Kaytlin had yet another night terror so we are up in the living room with the lights out watching Barney.

Oh one more thing I found some Barney bedding, light switch cover, and curtains for her room! I cannot wait to get them, she will LOVE LOVE LOVE them! She is such a Barney fanatic!