Saturday, March 21, 2009

Addition to yesterday and today’s info

Well yesterday after Kaytlin woke up from her nap our day kinda went from Great to icky. She was very fussy, very easily breaking down, and it just sucked. I felt so bad for her but nothing we would do would make her happy. The really bad thing is when she feels like this she doesn't want to eat either so nothing but a few bites of lunch and dinner.

Today we went to the Indiana Autism Expo! I cannot begin to say how excited and happy I am that I went! My husband went with me too and he also feels that it was well worth the hour drive. We learned sooo much! They have service dogs for children starting at age 5! I also learned about a Medicaid waiver that she needs to get on. I just cannot believe how many resources are out there for children that have developmental disorders and autism etc. I thought we wouldn't fit in because of Kayt not being diagnosed with autism, but every time I talked to someone they knew exactly what I was saying! Most of the moms I met who had children not diagnosed till they were 5 or 6 also had the same issues with their children as I have with Kaytlin. Just wow you know. We also went to a booth that had weighted lap pads and blankets and shoulder things. Our therapist had recommended looking into getting Kayt one and she happened to be having a breakdown at that moment while we were at that booth. She was in my husband's arms and I picked up a weighted lap pad and put it over her shoulder and instantly she quit and her whole body relaxed and she went limp and laid her head down on my husband! Are you kidding me!!! It was like a miracle! Those blankets need to be called miracle blankets lol.

Sorry I forgot to put how she has been today, I am just so overly excited about all the info I learned today and how I feel not alone anymore! She has been more off than on today, however not too bad if that makes sense. She had quite a few breakdowns today, a lot of zoning out. I wish those blankets were not so expensive. I cannot believe how much they cost; I know we don't have 200 bucks to pay for a blanket. As much as it will help, we really don't have it. They need to have a state place or something that helps pay for sensory needed items like the weighted blanket or vest. I may have to try ebay, my only worry with that is not knowing exactly what I am getting.


Nicole said...

Were the blankets like the ones they have when you get an xray? If so, I'm on in... hehhehe! You know me and my sneaky ways!