Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Great till we went out lol

Kayt did really well today until we went shopping. We had to run to Wal Mart because Rob's boots were literally cracking with every step and he has to have them for work. My poor guy was trying to wear them as long as possible, dork…lol Those are your feet, take care of them honey. Anywho as usual she was upset just about 90% of the time we were gone. She hates the cart, she hates to hold hands, she hates to have to do anything but go where she wants when she wants and has to continuously move. No stopping to get anything.. Gotta love her Did I tell you I love my daughter hehe.. She keeps us on our toes, that's for sure!

For those that asked and were wondering, here is what the weighted blankets are:

I guess we have to get her a blanket, lap pad, and vest. Sheesh lol.. Hey if it works it is worth it. This website was shown to me by a friend, and has been the cheapest I have seen. If anyone needs one there you go lol.