Sunday, March 22, 2009

A little view into our breakdown world

I just wanted people to see what I am talking about, sometimes they are worse, sometimes better, but this is a little preview into the sadness that comes into her eyes when she has a breakdown out of nowhere. This does happen often on her off days. The reason I didn't pick her up and comfort her is because I had just tried that and she slid off of me because she didn't want me to comfort her, so I had to let her be till she was ready for comfort.

I did not post the actual video because I don't want it to just play on here, the video is in our photobucket account.

Sooo many times her dad and I are lost as to what to do to help comfort her, with her inability to communicate we are handicapped at "fixing" what is wrong.

I will write about how she has done today later on tonight. God Bless you all for reading and keeping up to date on our Kayt.