Tuesday, August 25, 2009

As hard as this is to ask, and as much as I have wanted to avoid this I am going to put a donate button on this page and anything that is sent I will send you an email or something showing what it went to. We now have to drive 1 hr each way to Kaytlin's occupational therapy every week and we have to drive 20 min each way to her speech therapy on a diff day. I need so much for her as she is getting older and I just don't know where I am supposed to get all this money to do all these things. I have no idea how moms have done it before and will do it after. I am so overwhelmed with all the expenses that there is no help for. We just miss qualifying for food stamps and luckily the kids are on medicaid. There is no way for me to work, I tried working on weekends only and of course kaytlin had a really hard time with me being gone so much. I did it for almost 3 months, and it didn't get better, her attitude got worse and she became more violent with her brother. I dont mind working somewhere on weekends since I have to take her to so much during the week plus the other 2 therapies that come to our house that there is no way to work all week.

Sorry about the babbling I am soooo overwhelmed with all these things it isn't even funny. Anyway if you can help it is greatly appreciated and will only be used for things Kayt needs and gas to and from appointments. I give my word it will not be used for anything else. I know there are a lot of scams out there, but I can promise you this is not one.