Wednesday, August 26, 2009

So today Kayt exibited a lot of things that she normally doesn't do. She has been very very fussy today, really ugly towards everyone. The trip to Wal Mart for my sewing machine was an absolute nightmare, usually it is bad, but this time it was just ugh. Everyone of course had to stare at us. Well anyway fast forward to my dads house and she was okay when we went in. She sat to eat her lunch and had leaned over the table and got ketchup all over the front of her. I went and cleaned her up as good as I could with a napkin and my stepmom went and got a wet washcloth. When she went to go clean Kayt up she pulled back and ran away, she got mad and was very withdrawn from her. Well my stepmom sat down and asked her to come to her and she finally just grabbed her and brought Kayt over and cleaned her up. Then we told her we were going to go outside, which she loves to ddo and she spreads her legs apart like she is peeing on herself and cries. I went over to get her and changed her and she wasn't wet everywhere. I mean her diaper needed changed but it definitely wasn't coming down her legs like she thought it was. So fastforward some more and we were on the front porch and after the kids were done with bubbles my stepmom cleaned Kayt up and was still holding the wash rag and leaned to give Kayt a hug and the wash rag touched her arm and Kaytlin jumped back really far and would not go near my step mom at all. She wouldn't give her a hug and kiss or anything. Then she cried about 1/2 the way home (20 min drive), and nothing I did was going to make her happy. It has just been a wow day.