Friday, August 14, 2009

Well we have an appointment on September 9th for Kaytlin to get her review for SSI. Because we haven't been able to get into the docs for the official medical diagnosis the SSI office wants their own doc to review.

I also got a call yesterday and her official medical review will be December 9th. It is so bittersweet. I mean yes I want the waiting to be over, no I don't want it definite. When it isn't an official diagnosis you still have that thought in your head that maybe everything will be different tomorrow morning. Denial I think it is called.. Unfortunately I see every day how she is in fact about 6months+ behind now. It is hard when there are things like physical that she is advanced you know.

I met someone today that didn't even know about First Steps. Maybe, just maybe God has given me Kaytlin so that I can reach out to other parents and let them know about First Steps and that they should follow their guts, as I have always said, it never hurts to get your child evaluated especially if your gut is telling you that something is not right.