Friday, August 21, 2009

Okay are you guys ready for this?? I am just re-posting what I posted on My mommy time

Okay so she meets all the requirements to have an actual diagnosis of autism and not PDD-NOS which is a milder form of Autism (at least that's how I understand it). Her new doctor which is a developmental ped wants to wait one more year before putting the actual diagnosis on her paperwork so that "if" and that is a big "if" she does change for the better in the next year it won't be a miss diagnosis. I like that! It sucks in a way here though because I didn't think it would be actual Autism, but more of PDD-NOS. The doctor said she noticed the speech right away, wow, really lol.. Most docs don't, she is on it. Kaytlin showed everything while we were there, including getting scared of the paper towel machine. Sooo anyway we had to give like 6 vials of blood! They are doing genetic and MANY other things just to rule out anything medical in order to focus all on autism. My girl did so good today considering. She also gave a pee sample :). You guys I don't think everything has set in, even after all this time. The doc did tell me it was nice speaking to a mom that was so well educated on it all :) That made me feel very good about that. She said that on top of the developmental pre-school she wants Kayt to be in other things also. Just please pray we get the SSI soon because finances suck big time, and working didn't work at all. Kayt got worse when I was working on weekends. Anyway so there we have it, my kid has autism. hmmm nope don't like the sound of it. Okay I will quit rambling. TTYL..